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Special lecture on "Who Infects Whom? Molecular Epidemiology of HIV-1 in the United Kingdom"

*Please click here to see the announcement poster .

We would like to announce a special lecture on “Who Infects Whom? Molecular Epidemiology of HIV-1 in the United Kingdom” by Dr.Stephane Hue, who is a Lecturer, at London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, UK.

Date and time: 12th July 2016, 17:00 to 18:00pm
Venue: Main Seminar Room, First floor, TMGH building
Brief introduction
Title: Who Infects Whom? Molecular Epidemiology of HIV-1 in the United Kingdom
Seminar summary:
Most HIV epidemiological studies rely on information provided by patients and clinicians at diagnosis. However, an alternative approach to HIV surveillance consists in exploiting the genetic information contained by HIV gene sequences. This approach, termed molecular epidemiology, relies on the phylogenetic identification of HIV isolates that are more genetically similar to each other that expected by chance, thus establishing epidemiological linkage between individuals the linked viruses are sampled from. The present seminar will illustrate how such approach was successfully implemented for the study of the HIV epidemic in the United Kingdom, and how it has enhanced our understanding of HIV transmission patterns within risk or ethnic groups, of the limitations of self-reported routes of infection and of the transmission dynamics of antiretroviral resistance. The current state and future challenges of HIV molecular epidemiology will be discussed.
Language: English

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